Next Meeting: 15 March 2025 | Theme: Annual General Meeting | Location: NLB Drama Center

VALIDATE by Val Le Val

The diary lucky card plot has become a classic in magic.  One of the reasons for this is because it involves a special date that is personal to a spectator, such as her birthdate or anniversary.

There are numerous variations of this effect, but none as direct and easy to perform as Validate.

A pocket weekly diary is presented to a spectator.  She verifies that against each date is printed the name of a playing card.  She confirms that the playing cards are in no particular arrangement.  She is asked to select a date that is personal to her, such as her birthdate, or other date meaningful to her.  She is to note the playing card at this date – this is her lucky card.

A deck of cards in full view on the table all this time is picked up and counted to the chosen date.  The card arrived at is the same lucky card as printed in the pocket diary!

It is direct and easy to do.  There are no memory work or card sleights involved.  It is so straight-forward that it is a wonder no one has thought of the method before.  It can be reset instantly and is perfect for strolling performances.

You are supplied with the specially printed pocket diary, a printed aid and an instructional DVD.  You have to supply your own deck of cards.

The bonus section contains ideas for i-phone and invisible deck.  (4/5 star rating).