Next Meeting: 15 March 2025 | Theme: Annual General Meeting | Location: NLB Drama Center


PhotoThis booklet fulfils the frequent request by your friends when they know that you are a magician. That request is “Please show us a trick!”
The tricks you perform for them are all mentalism effects. Because you are called “off-the-cuff”, all these effects are done impromptu and without any gadgets.
Mark Elsdon gives you 9 effects. They range from predictions, mind reading, influencing a person’s actions, to causing a person to lose his strength, affecting a compass (an application on a smart phone) and travelling through time (in this routine, you travel ahead of time)!

The “props” you use are easily available such as a spectator’s personal items, pen and paper, mobile phone and magazine.

The booklet is nicely printed with stiff board covers. It contains 36 pages.

Mark utilizes standard tested mentalism principles for the effects. This is where the real value of the book lies. You get to know the various techniques of performing mentalism effects. The booklet is like a mini-manual of mentalism principles and techniques. Study how Mark applies the various principles to obtain the various effects. You can similarly use the principles to come out with your own customized tricks.

There are at last 9 principles taught and 4 stunts used. (4.5/5 star rating.)