Next Meeting: 15 March 2025 | Theme: Annual General Meeting | Location: NLB Drama Center


The Stealth Assassin V1.1 is a special wallet that provides many applications for mental magic.

It was originated by Peter Nardi based on his Mind Spy and Stealth wallets – both of which are originally peek wallets.  Peter then incorporated Mark Strivings’ Sight Unseen peek capability.  The Stealth Assassin V1.1 is therefore a 2-way peek wallet plus more.  It also provides the following capabilities: billet index, crib holder, hold-out, and an out-to-lunch gimmick.  As mentioned by Peter Nardi and Marc Spelmann in the instructional set of 2 DVDs that come with this professionally manufactured leather wallet, you can perform a full 15 to 20 minutes mental routine using this device.

As with any peek device, the most important thing is the timing, the misdirection (that should be built into the routine) and the rationale why you need to go back to the device, so that your peeking is invisible to the audience.  This strategy is discussed at length in the 10 routines that are included in the 2 DVDs.

Here are the 10 effects grouped under the various capabilities provided by the wallet:

  • Billet index – Short List
  • Crib – Quizmaster
  • Sight unseen – Card at any Number, Cash Cabaret
  • Stealth peek – Hollywood or Bust, First Love, One Ahead, Drawing Dupe, Drink on Me.
  • Out-To-Lunch – Add a Number

The Stealth Assassin V1.1 is truly a killer (pun intended), and a wonderful investment for mentalist.  (5/5 star rating.)