Next Meeting: 15 January 2025 | Theme: CNY (Chinese New Year) Magic | Location: NLB Drama Center

GAFF EFFECT DECK (Bicycle Red or Blue) by USPCC

This is a special gaff Bicycle deck of cards.  It is not the usual gaff cards that we are familiar with, such as double back, double face, wrong indices, blank, 3½, 52 on one, tree ofhearts, etc, although some of them are included in this deck.

The gaff cards are the unusual off-beat novelty types such as those featured here.  There are 56 gaff cards, including 3 gaff Jokers.

The gaff cards include 4 face Queen, smear card, lip-stick card, swirl card, and 5 double-face ESP cards.  All you need to do is to add any one or more of these cards to your usual Bicycle deck and you can have a hilarious ending to a card routine.

You need to specify whether you want them in red or blue Bicycle backs.  Any card magic enthusiast should not be without this deck of gaff cards.  (5/5 star rating.)