Next Meeting: 15 March 2025 | Theme: Annual General Meeting | Location: NLB Drama Center

OMNI PEN by Wizard FX

The Omni Deck makes a fascinating climax to a card routine.  This crystal clear deck is now a favourite ending to many close-up magicians.

Logically, the next best item to become crystal clear as a climax to a magical routine is the marker pen.  It is the instrument spectators used for writing and signature.  It can also be a device used as a magic wand substitute.  If a pen is used in conjunction with a card trick, eg to sign a chosen card, the pen turning crystal clear provides a logical double whammy to the crystal clear deck of cards.

If you do pen manipulation, the Omni Pen makes an interesting climax.

The Omni Pen that you receive is moulded from clear scratch resistant acrylic.  It is fashioned after a normal Sharpie style pen.  In fact, one usual Sharpie pen is included in the package you receive.

The instructions are in a DVD.  It includes 3 routines: one with the pen used in a card trick, while the other two are pen manipulation routines.  Each routine is performed by a different magician – it starts with a live performance and then the explanation is given in a studio setting by the corresponding performer.

Spencer Wood performs “Omni Pen”.  A chosen card is signed and lost in the deck.  An ambitious card type routine follows.  The pen which the spectator used to sign their name on the card is given to a second spectator to use as a magic wand.  Every time they tap the pen on the deck, magic happens.  Finally, not only the entire deck becomes crystal clear (except the signed card), the pen does, too!

Matthew Youngs presents “Re-Captivated”.  It is a cap off and on pen routine.  Finally, the cap becomes crystal clear and then the entire pen becomes that way, too!

In “Sharp Reloaded”, Craig Petty does a pen manipulation routine where a Sharpie pen magically vanishes and appears, climaxing with the crystal clear pen.

If you like manipulations, you get two pen routines.  If magicians are surprising audiences with a clear deck, you whack them with a second climax with Omni Pen.  (5/5 stars rating.)