This is a card trick with an unexpected and comical ending.
In effect, a playing card with a prediction is handed to a spectator for safe keeping. A deck of cards is spread face downwards and another spectator is asked to select a card – no forcing. Say, the selected card is the two of clubs. The prediction card is turned over – it reads “You will not select a Joker.” This causes a laughter from the audience because usually the Jokers are not found in a used deck of cards. Even if they were, there are only two of them and the chance of selecting either one of them is quite small. The performer is seen to be predicting the obvious! The deck is then turned face upwards and spread to show that every card is a Joker – the entire deck is all Jokers! Now the prediction makes sense – how can spectator pick the only card in the Joker deck that is not a Joker?
You receive the gimmicked deck and a sheet of written instructions. The gimmicked deck is extremely well made and works smoothly. The instructions, however, are not so clearly written. They recommend that you show there are different cards in the deck. It is better you do not show the faces of any card in the deck before the final revelation. This will make the mystery of how the spectator is able to pick up the only card in the deck that is not a Joker that much stronger in the end! Two blank faced cards are also included for you to write the prediction. It is recommended that you write the prediction on a separate piece of paper, or produce a pre-written prediction inside a small envelope. It is not usual for anyone would write a prediction on the face of a card – and it is not usual for the audience to see a blank faced card in which you can write the prediction.
Putting these couple of complaints aside, the trick is guaranteed to cause mystery, entertainment and magic to your audience. (5/5 stars rating).