“Uncommon” is a “Wild Card” effect using Pokemon trading cards. Here is the effect:
The performer shows 6 Pokemon trading cards. They comprise 2 identical trading cards, 3 different Pokemon trading cards and 1 energy card.
The performer claims that his siblings would often take his Pokemon cards without first asking him, because the various Pokemon cards are of value to them, except the energy cards which have no value.
So the performer would place the energy card on top of the packet of Pokemon cards in the hope that this would create the impression that the entire packet of Pokemon trading cards consists of only energy cards, and they would not be taken away.
However, this is just an illusion. The performer then proceeds to magically transform each and every Pokemon cards into the energy cards. In the process of transformation, the spectator helping the performer is allowed to handle and examine some of the cards.
Finally, all 6 Pokemon cards become the energy cards. As the performer said in the beginning of the effect, this was all an illusion. He proceeds to transform them instantly back to the 5 Pokemon cards (including the duplicate cards) and 1 energy card.
You receive all the necessary Pokemon trading cards and the specially designed and produced transparent sleeves. They look just like the transparent pockets used to protect and keep trading cards. You also get a link to a 39 minutes long video tutorial by Josh Burch.
The main difference between this wild card and the usual wild card trick performed with playing cards is that the playing cards version starts with duplicates of one playing card which get transformed into duplicates of another playing card. “Uncommon” starts with different Pokemon cards which get transformed into the same energy cards.
In the tutorial, Josh Burch teaches various methods of transforming a Pokemon card into an energy card. You can use a mix and match of those methods to contruct your own presentation. Josh also teaches you how to switch out a stack of sleeved cards so that the spectators can examine all the cards at the end of the routine. There are enough sleeves provided for you to do this, but you will have to obtain your own Pokemon trading cards.
The transparent sleeves is a patented design and your can use them for other types of trading cards than the Pokemon trading cards, provided the trading cards are of the standard size trading cards.
The wild card has become a classic of card magic because of the magical impact it has on the audience. You will get the same reactions, too, with “Uncommon”. (Rated 5/5 stars)