Next Meeting: 15 March 2025 | Theme: Annual General Meeting | Location: NLB Drama Center


Manufactured by:  Xristo Magic (Indonesia)

Reviewed by:  John Teo

Price: Sin$30 each (special price for Ring 115 members)


This is a DVD featuring some of the commercial coin routines of Jeremy Pei.  As stated on the DVD cover, they are routines that used gaff coins.  However, no gaff coins are included in the DVD.  The necessary gaff coins are obtainable from your favourite dealer or from Xristo Magic.

There are altogether 7 coin routines performed and explained by Jeremy Pei.  They are used by him in his performances for paying audience.  Therefore they are not pipe dreams but are effects that are tested in front of real audiences.

Flip-A-Coin is Jeremy’s handling for 4 coins to glass, one at a time, using the flipper coin.

Silver Across is a similar effect except that no glass is used and the 4 coins travel one at a time from one hand to the other.  Please note that this is not a stand-up coins across routine, it requires a table for its performance.  The gaff coin used here is not the flipper coin but an expanded shell.

International Coins Across uses 3 coins from 3 different countries – a Chinese hole-coin, an English copper penny, and an American half-dollar.  The coins travel one at a time from one hand to the other.  The gaff coin required is the Sun and Moon set. 

International Coins To Glass is another way to perform the International Coins Across.  The coins travel one at a time from one hand to a glass.  The method and the gaff used are the same.

Hopping Half Exchange is Jeremy’s take on the classic Happing Half routine.  The Hopping Half routine, for those who do not know the effect, involves 2 coins: a copper coin and a silver coin.  Every time one coin is taken away, it magically returns to the other coin.  Finally, both coins vanish altogether.  This uses the Hopping Half coin set.  Jeremy’s routine, however, uses only the Sun and Moon gaff coin and an expanded shell.

Copper And Silver involves 3 copper coins and 3 silver coins.  It is similar to the oil and water effect.  Every time the copper coins are mixed with the silver coins, they magically separate.  This effect uses two copper/silver gaff coins.

Digital Jumbo is the last effect and it uses the modern iPad or tablet.  Reality becomes virtual as a coin is “placed” into an iPad.  The image of the coin in the iPad is expanded to a jumbo sized coin.  Finally virtual becomes reality again as you extract this jumbo coin from the iPad.  This requires a Jumbo Coin.

As mentioned, you can obtain your gaff coins from your favourite magic dealer or from Xristo Magic.  Xristo Magic is specialised in manufacturing gaff coins in your own country’s currency.  If you want to perform coin tricks using coins in your own country’s currency, contact Xristo Magic.  They make good quality gaff coins.

The DVD is well produced and the menu helps greatly in searching for a particular effect quickly.  Each effect commences with a performance by Jeremy Pei and follows with his explanation.  Jeremy’s explanation is clear and easy to follow.

It is stated in the DVD’s cover that this is volume 1.  It implies that there will be more volumes to come.  I look forward to subsequent volumes of The Living Room Project.

Highly recommended!