“Sudoku 2.0” is a magic square effect disguised as another version of Sudoku. I believe the reason for naming a magic square effect Sudoku is because in Sudoku, the grid is partialy filled with numbers.
Here is the effect:
The performer shows a piece of card about the size of a name card with a 4 X 4 Sudoku grid with some cells filled in with numbers. The performer explains that this is found in a book of Sudoku puzzles. It is an advanced version of Sudoku.
The performer claims he is an expert in Sudoku and can solve one on an average of 1 minute only. He then asks a spectator how long she thinks it will take him to solve this advanced Sudoku. Let us say the spectator says 37 seconds.
The performer records down the number 37 on the Suduku card. He asks the spectator to time him with her watch. He proceeds to complete the Sodoku in half a minute, well within the 37 seconds stated by the spectator.
Here comes the climax of the effect. The performer shows that in each row of the matrix, the total of the numbers is 37. Every column also has 37 as the total. The 2 diagonals also add up to 37, and so are the sum of the 4 extreme squares. In fact, every combination of 4 squares are shown to total to 37, the number freely chosen by the spectator, and the performer completes this special matrix in less than 1 minute!
You receive a box that contains 80 of these Sudoku 2.0 cards, plus a small wide rubber band, and a link to a 33 minutes video tutorial by Myles Thornton.
There is a mathematical formula that enables you to fill up the empty squares to total to a freely named number between 22 and 100. However, the card is so cleverly designed that you do not need to memorise anything. The so-called crib is hidden in plain sight.
Myles also gives you different presentation ideas. There is an “out-to-lunch” effect where a blank Sudoku becomes magically filled up to add to a specific total. There is a cheeky peek of a freely named total using the Sudoku 2.0 card, and then the performer fills in the numbers to make to this total. There is also a presentation using a book on Sodoku puzzles and the Sudoku 2.0 card.
The speed in which you can fill up the Sudoku grid to reach the total freely named by the spectator will blow anybody’s mind, especially when all the possible combination of 4 squares in the grid total to the named number.
Although 80 cards will last you for a long time, refills are available at your favourite dealers. (Rated 5/5 starts)