Next Meeting: 15 March 2025 | Theme: Annual General Meeting | Location: NLB Drama Center

SINGAPORE RING 115 – Jul 2022 Magic Meeting Report

The total attendance for our July monthly meeting was 30 people. It was held on the evening of 15 July 2022 at the Drama Centre at National Library building. It included 4 guests: Robert Kee’s son and daughter-in-law, a guest of Desmond Peh, and Marcus Tye of The Fundamentals.

The theme was “Silk & Rope Magic”. Enrico Varella was the MC for the first half of the evening. He did a gag using a change bag and short pieces of rope. With this, he introduced the first performer.

The total attendance for our July monthly meeting was 30 people. It was held on the evening of 15 July 2022 at the Drama Centre at National Library building. It included 4 guests: Robert Kee’s son and daughter-in-law, a guest of Desmond Peh, and Marcus Tye of The Fundamentals.

The theme was “Silk & Rope Magic”. Enrico Varella was the MC for the first half of the evening. He did a gag using a change bag and short pieces of rope. With this, he introduced the first performer.

 Kenneth Chia performed a quick succession of rope effects, comprising Cody Fisher’s presentation of Professor’s Nightmare, a version of Kovari’s Acrobatic Fish Plus, rigid rope, and appearing fishes of various sizes, including the production of a huge 5 feet fish.

Gician Tan tried to convince the audience he could vanish a bottle placed inside a paper bag. Eventually, he was able to crumble the paper bag into a small rolled up ball with the glass bottle inside it.

Jeremy Pei did a rope version of David Roth’s “Hanging Coins” by vanishing a knot tied in a rope 3 times and finally made all 3 knots reappear on the rope. He also performed colour changing silk with the half-dyed silk sucker finish. Using a Dean Dill’s box, Jeremy was not only able to link a white and a red piece of rope together, but also performed a version of sympathetic silks using 2 pairs of white and red silks.

Desmond Peh’s performance consisted of Daryl Matinez’s rope routine, face-up face-down $10 bills, blank to $1,000 bill, and a repeated selected card to pocket that ended with the selected card in his hand and the rest of the deck inside his trouser pocket.

Using PowerPoint slides, Robert Kee made a presentation on his charity work overseas, primarily in Cambodia and Nepal. Not only did he fly our Singapore flag in those countries, he also used magic tricks to entertain the children in the fields.

Representing The Fundamentals, Marcus Tye demonstrated Self-Vanishing Headphones, a small wooden prediction chest locked by a number lock that could be opened by a spectator’s year of birth, No-Choice Wallet, and Jay Sankey’s Fine Print.

A 10-minute break allowed members to have fellowship with one another as well as to patronise the dealers’ booths. Siew Kim Siang took over the hosting of the second half of the evening.

JK Tan taught all of us how to lasso a knot onto a rope, as well as how to tie a knot on a rope with one hand.

Dressed as a Chinese physician, Zhang JinMing gave all of us a preview of some of the effects he would be presenting at the FISM World Championship of Magic to be held in Quebec, Canada, later this month. JinMing was able to discern which one of the numerous acupuncture points was mentally picked by a spectator from a chart featuring the acupuncture points in a human body. With his head turned to one side, he was also able to divine which one of the 50 small chests of different Chines herbs was opened and the herb inside sampled by the spectator.

John Teo had fun with a spectator as he tried to change a yellow silk into a red silk several times in a change bag. Finally, the 2 silks interchanged with the interior of the change bag. His next effect was the THE END rope blendo bag which also indicated the end of his performance. Thomas Yeo performed a rope suspension in bottle using a bottle that contained 9 small beads inside it.

It was dealer’s time again and Jeremy Pei took over to demonstrate multi-coloured metal ring to square to cane, multi-colour blendo and production of a multi-coloured cane, THE END rope blendo bag, polka-dots scarf and silk appearing panels.
The evening ended with a lucky draw won by Enrico Varella and Ng Ek Hwang.