Next Meeting: 15 March 2025 | Theme: Annual General Meeting | Location: NLB Drama Center

SINGAPORE RING 115 – Feburary 2017 Magic Meeting Report

The theme for February’s meeting was “My Favourite or Worst Effect of Year 2016”. February was also our AGM, with election of officers for both years 2017 and 2018. The meeting took place on the evening of 15th February 2017 at the Chinese Success Media Pte Ltd, Action Room, at Bras Basah Complex. A total of 40 people turned up, of which 34 members were eligible to vote.

President John Teo welcomed and presented the Ring 115 bannerette to Ferdinand Flores and his wife Nora, both from the Philippines. He also presented the “Most Active Member Award 2016” to 5 recipients: Charles Choo, Massimo Sacco, Maxwell Low, Lim Teck Guan and Jeremy Pei (who was absent).

John thanked members of the present committee for their contributions in the past 2 years, including patron Gician Tan and Tommy Chiang, by presenting each of them an autographed copy of his book “Game Of Thoughts” which he co-wrote with Ning Cai.
The following members were elected to the Management Committee for March 2017 to February 2019:
President: John Teo
Vice-President: Enrico Varella
Hon. Secretary: Tan Jui Kuan
Asst. Secretary: Alvin Terrence
Hon. Treasurer: Derek Lee
Asst. Treasurer: Victor Heng
Committee Members: Tommy Chiang, Baharudin, Ashish Lodhavia, Adeline Ng, and
Kenneth Chia
Auditors (March 2017 to February 2018): Curtis Choy & George Seam
Auditors (March 2018 to February 2019): Ng Yeow Chong & Aw Kum Seng
A break followed which included 2 special delicacies: ham and vegetable pasta and rosemary chicken.
After the break, we were treated to a special performance from our Philippines visitor. Mimicking the Masked Magician (complete with his characteristic mask), Ferdinand Flores gave a comedy magic exposure act which included cut and restored rope, colour changing silks, reveal of selected card, and the 3 “flies” coin trick. This was followed by his kid’s show comedy ventriloquist act.
Next to perform was our President John Teo. He demonstrated his favourite effect of last year: Behavioural Patterns from JB Magic. A small booklet of psychological tests was freely examined by a spectator and a page randomly selected. The symbols and the test number on that page were predicted in advance. Next, John presented a duo effect involving superheroes. In the first effect, John was the only one who could spelt correctly and caused a particular superhero card to appear. A spectator tried his hand at spelling, but got a Joker each time. In the second effect, 5 audience members were invited on stage to play 5 superheroes. John and the spectator helper randomly eliminated the superheroes until only one of them remained. This indicated that this superhero won a battle royal against all the other superheroes. It turned out to be Batman, the only superhero without supernatural capabilities except his brilliant mental strategies. Batman as the last superhero left standing was predicted in advance. John Teo then offered this superhero effect which he constructed himself as one of the prizes for the Raffle which would take place later in the evening.
Michael Lee demonstrated 2 of his favourite effects. In the first effect, a blank piece of paper placed together with a pencil inside a “spirit box” mysteriously revealed the exact sentence randomly cut to from a strip of newspaper by a spectator. His second effect consisted of multiplying bills, where a $10 bill was multiplied many folds.
It was time for Induction Test. Taking this test was our newest and youngest member, Collier Ow. His repertoire consisted of finding a selected card lost in a packet, with a special effect of smoke from his hand. Following this were cards across involving 2 spectators, and Jofer Abata’s “Cornered” where a torn corner of a chosen card got relocated to the middle of the card, with the torn piece matching it. His last effect was a visual healing of a hole in a card.
Lim Teck Guan was next and he demonstrated his magic wallet which could produce multiple dollar notes. It was money galore when he further transformed a thick stack of white paper into SGD 50 bills!
Kyle Ravin presented his version of comedy cards across using the husband and wife guests from Philippines. The value of a freely selected card determined how many cards would go across from one spectator to the other. This was a professional routine that had lots of audience participation.
Maxwell Low was the last performer. He invited a mother and her son up as helpers. Using a pendulum as a psychic device, the mother was able to pick up the only envelope that contained her son’s written note, while the son was able to determine the mother’s chosen ESP symbol.
Just before we said “goodnight”, Tommy Chiang conducted a special Raffle in which the prizes were magical items contributed by some of our members. The Raffle used an individual’s $2 bill as the draw ticket, and the identification was the bill’s serial number. The total collection was $174.
It was an evening full of fun and activities.