Next Meeting: 15 March 2025 | Theme: Annual General Meeting | Location: NLB Drama Center

SINGAPORE RING 115 – February 11 Magic Meeting Report

15 February 2011 was our Annual General Meeting (AGM).  It was held at the usual venue of BayView Hotel.  A total of 33 people turned up, including 4 associate members, 1 patron and 1 guest.  The guest was Dan Stephan from Minnesota, USA, who was sent by his company to Singapore on a short project work.


President John Teo commenced the AGM by thanking the out-going management committee for their past contributions to the Ring.  The minutes, annual report and financial reports were all quickly adopted.  The following members were elected unopposed:

President  : John Teo
Vice-President: Enrico Varella
Hon Secretary : Tan Jui Kuan
Asst Secretary: Alvin Terence Tan
Hon Treasurer : Victor Heng
Asst Treasurer: Betsy Teo
Committee Members: Bernard Sim
Kenneth Chia
Low Hwee Lang
Jeremy Tan

A break with snacks and tea and coffee followed.  Since this was still in the Lunar New Year celebration, three plates of Yu Sheng were ordered for the traditional “Lo Hei”.  After the interval, Pambudi gave a short lecture on mental magic.


Using a packet of fortune-telling cards, Pambudi was able to get a spectator divine the chosen fortune card by another spectator.  Finally, he successfully predicted three items from a third spectator.  The second effect was like the toss-out deck but using a paper-back book.  Three spectators each peeked at the first word of a random page of the book and Pambudi was able to divine them all.  In the third trick, Pambudi had a spectator select a page from another book.  Magically, this very page was later found torn out of the book and appeared in a sealed enveloped placed right at the start of the experiment.


Twelve cards depicting twelve different items were laid face-down on the table.  Three spectators, each using three different items, were able to locate the cards indicating the names of their items.  An ACAAN effect was next.  A card was selected, lost in the deck, but reappeared next to the named page number of a book.  In the final experiment, pages of a magazine were torn out and distributed to different members of the audience.  At the call of any page number, Pambudi was able to describe the main features of that page.


All apparatus for the lecture were made available by Pambudi.  The last item of the evening was an auction of old books from member Chia Hearn Jiang.  Some of these books could be considered as collectors items.

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