Next Meeting: 15 March 2025 | Theme: Annual General Meeting | Location: NLB Drama Center

Professional Golden Rings

Manufactured by: JieLi Magic for Redefine Magic
Reviewed by: John Teo
Price: Sin $35
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This DVD used to accompany a set of Professional Golden Linking Rings sold by Jeremy Pei’s Redefine Magic. Due to overwhelming requests, Jeremy Pei has kindly agreed to release this instructional DVD without the need to purchase the set of Golden Linking Rings.

It is understandable why this DVD is in high demand. It contains Jeremy Pei’s award winning professional linking rings routines. Jeremy also has a high-paced performing style. This may be due in part to his being a juggler, and he sometimes incorporate juggling in his magic performances. You get to learn linking ring routines that are somewhat different from the repertoires of other magicians.

The DVD is very well produced. The instructions are bi-lingual: they are in both the English and the Mandarin languages. There are a couple of short segments of Jeremy Pei speaking in the English language. On the main, the routines are explained via video shot over the shoulders of the performer and superimposed with English and Mandarin texts. This makes it easy for the viewer to learn the various moves with the rings. Wherever necessary, frontal shots are also featured.

The entire DVD runs for nearly 47 minutes. It includes the performances and explanations of Jeremy’s separate 6, 4 and 3 ring routines. The various moves taught include the crash link, spinning link, push through link, the step ladder move and the dissolving rings move.
Of interest are the ring flourishes, many of which are original with Jeremy Pei. They include finger spin, finger twirl, arm spin, neck spin and the floating ring illusion. Jeremy also discusses the locking ring.

As mentioned by Jeremy in the DVD: Dai Vernon said that a magician should be able to perform 2 classics of magic. They are the cups and balls, and the linking rings. This DVD is a wonderful manual for learning the linking rings.

Highly recommended!