Next Meeting: 15 March 2025 | Theme: Annual General Meeting | Location: NLB Drama Center

MIRACLE BINGO by Doruk Ulgen

Magic with games of chance resonates well with magicians because magicians are supposed to be able to predict or control their outcome. Bingo is a game of chance that involves active participation from everyone in the audience. Magic with Bingo is therefore a great way to achieve excellent interaction with the audience.
Mark Wilson has designed his “Magic Bingo” which allows all the participants to win at the same time! Imagine not only the surprise, but the shock as well, when everybody stands up and shouts “Bingo!” all at the same time!
Here comes Doruk Ulgen. He has taken “Magic Bingo” several levels higher. He has painstakingly devised a system that enables the performer to control how many participants will win at Bingo all at the same time. He calls it “Miracle Bingo” and it can also end up with everybody winning at the same time, just like “Magic Bingo”.
His system also allows you to achieve other incredible outcome:
• Who will win first, then second, then third, and so on.
• The winning numbers can be different.
• Who will lose.
• What will be the number that will trigger a win.
• When (exact time) someone will win – this presentation can be quite uncanny.
The manner you perform “Miracle Bingo” is only limited by your imagination.
You receive the following items:
• 60 reusable, specially-designed, Bingo cards.
• Bingo number discs for calling out the numbers.
• A transparent change-bag.
• An alternative black bag for disc selection.
• Printable calling sheets to cross out the called out numbers.
• Cheat-card and number-set sheet.
• Regular, but a different type of Bingo cards to play an ungimmicked game of Bingo.
• Link with password to online video instructions by Doruk Ulgen.
The entire effect is not difficult to do. You need to know which Bingo cards to use and which participants should get which cards. The difficult part is in designing the system to be flexible enough, yet controllable by the performer. This has been brilliantly done by Doruk Ulgen. We now reap the results of his wonderful system.
He has also provided enough different Bingo cards to give the impression that these are ungimmicked and come from a regular set of Bingo cards.
Although the Bingo cards are reusable, additional cards are available upon request.
In the video instructions, Doruk Ulgen discusses an interesting presentation idea based on the Hoy’s “Toss-Out Deck” principle. Let us say that there are several people who are waiting for only one number to win. The performer is able to name each of the winning numbers. Doruk Ulgen also teaches you how to “pick up” the force (number) discs without using the transparent force-bag.
“Miracle Bingo” can be performed for both small and large audiences. It is ideal for events such as corporate or community functions because it involves everybody present. It is an effect that can feature important people such as the CEO of a company or a V.I.P. by making that person the only one to win at the Bingo game. (10/10 star rating.)