Next Meeting: 15 January 2025 | Theme: CNY (Chinese New Year) Magic | Location: NLB Drama Center


If you love novel packet card tricks, you will love “Joker’s Love”.

4 Jokers from a bicycle deck are taken from a pocket wallet and displayed.  One is a female Joker (specially printed card).  This immediately attracts interest from the audience.  The other 3 Jokers are male and have the usual bicycle Joker design.

The 3 male Jokers vie for the love of this lady Joker.  The first Joker proves to be a great lover (it magically changes into a specially printed Joker full of hearts).  The second Joker turns out to be a muscular (specially printed card) fellow, while the third Joker is rich (specially printed card showing a Joker with lots of money).  Who will the female Joker choose?

As the story turns out, she picks the rich Joker.  The other 2 Jokers are placed face to face, while the female and the rich Joker are also placed face to face and put back inside the wallet to signify that they both go on a vacation.

When the 2 disappointed Jokers are turned face upwards, they turn back into the normal Joker design.  The 2 cards are withdraw from the wallet – one card shows an empty bicycle while the other card shows the lady Joker together with the rick Joker!  They live happily ever after.

You receive all the necessary specially printed Joker cards, plus a pocket gimmicked wallet.  The written instructions come with lots of illustration that make it easy to follow.  You are supplied with extra specially printed Joker cards so that you can vary the ending – eg. you can have the lady Joker choosing either the muscular or romantic Joker as the alternative happy ending.

This is a packet trick with lots of visual magical happenings.  The specially printed Joker cards are guaranteed to arouse smiles from the audience.  (4.5/5 stars rating.)