Next Meeting: 15 March 2025 | Theme: Annual General Meeting | Location: NLB Drama Center

FITO PAVESE’S TOPIT by Bazar de Magia

Most magicians will know what is a Topit but not many uses one.  There are many Topits in the market and there are also plenty of instructional DVDs out there.  You have Micheal Ammar’s Topit DVD and his own Topit design, you also have Carl Coultier’s Expert Topiting Made Easy and his own design as well.  Bob Fitch’s Topit Workshop (3 Vol DVD) has plenty of Topit information on it as well.  My magic pal Enrico Varella has a special Topit using his tie.

I have seen a few topits and also have one custom made in one of my jacket though I no longer use it as I couldn’t fit the jacket anymore.  Back in the days when I was a broker on the trading floor, we use to wear jacket during work and I had a topit installed in my jacket.  This topit that I installed is not permanent and can be taken out and installed on another jacket.  It secures onto the jacket by means of a safety pin.  The design is similar to Ammar’s and I really had fun with it.

So what makes Fitopit different?  Fitopit is a transferable topit and it is easily installed by pinning it to your jacket.  The special design helps you to vanish objects easily as it is always “open”.  Unlike other topits where you have to lean forward to engage the topit, Fitopit is always ready for you to vanish stuff.  This topit has special material built into it and thus makes everything easier and smoother to operate.  The design is simple yet effective.

Fitopit is not a new product; it was released more than 10 years ago.  It comes with a written instruction and some photos.  I had to read the instructions a few times in order to decipher what it is trying to tell me.  Included is a routine for vanishing wine glass by Patrick Page

If you are thinking about dabbling in topits, this maybe a good start as the price is pretty reasonable and the topit actually works pretty well.

Rating: 8/10 Recommended.