Next Meeting: 15 March 2025 | Theme: Annual General Meeting | Location: NLB Drama Center


This is a follow-up of Devin Knight’s original Four Told effect performed with the 5 usual ESP symbols. In this version, the 5 ESP symbols are replaced by the following 5 common smart phones icons: delete (a X), favourites (a star), music (a CD), email (an envelope) and signal (3 curved bars). Each of these icons has a different colour, ie delete (red), favourites (green), music (silver), email (yellow) and signals (blue).


In effect, the performer displays a large picture of a smart phone with the 5 colour icons. 4 spectators are invited on stage and asked to think of one of these 5 icons. The spectators do not communicate with one another and therefore more than one may think of the same icon.


Performer claims he is getting strong signals for, say, the music CD, the signal bars and the favourites star. Any of the 4 spectators who is thinking of any of these icons is asked to close their eyes and concentrate on the icon. Performer then says he receives strong signals for the colours yellow and green. Again, spectators who have these colours are asked to close their eyes and concentrate. Performer then writes something on an index card and hands one out to each of the 2 spectators. When the spectators revealed their thought-of icons, they match with the predictions written by the performer on each of their index cards.


None of the spectators speak or say anything, yet the performer can divine the thought-of icons. As an unexpected climax, the performer turns to the seated audience and reveals the thought-of icons of several of them! This is powerful mentalism and it seems an impossibility!


You receive a nicely printed large 8.5” x 11” durable plastic card showing the picture of a smart phone with the 5 colour icons, and a well-written 14 page manuscript. The method of divining the chosen icons is more streamlined than the original effect with the ESP symbols. 2 different methods are taught and you can choose your favourite one to use. As is characteristic with Devin Knight’s effects, all nuances are discussed. There is a method where you can perform this effect with your own or even a borrowed smart phone. Jason Ring provides a script for revealing the icons – one is a humorous revelation and the other is a straight-forward divination.


In this modern era dominated by smart phones, this effect will be the talk-of-the-town, especially when the method makes it so clean it seems like real mind reading! (5/5 stars rating)