Ed Ellis has produced 7 volumes of DVDs. If you have not owned any of them, this DVD will be a good investment. As the name of this DVD implies, it is a collector’s edition sampler of all his 7 DVDs. It features at least one trick from each volume. You do not expect the most popular effects to be included in this DVD. However, there are enough materials to interest a card and close-up magician.
Card magic and sleights demonstrated and taught include:
• Fan Flourish/Billboard Display – a top card shuffle control, followed by a one-handed display of the 4 Aces.
• Illusion or Reality – a signed card multiplies 4 times and then changes into the 4 Aces.
• Axis Double – a card placed in the middle of the deck appears on top.
• Take 5 – a 5 cards lift using the continuum principle.
• Card from Shoe – a signed card lost in the deck reappears inside the performer’s shoe.
• Beginner’s Corner – teaches double-lift, Elmsley Count and tilt.
• Wrist Kill Change – using a side steal to effect a colour change.
• Cards From Mouth – a packet of cards is produced from the performer’s mouth.
There is a non-card magic:
• Rubber Band Through Thumb – a slower and more effective presentation of the popular trick.
There is a discussion on the business side:
• Business Section – tools and techniques on how to get hired in restaurants.
There is also a bonus section that features a very young Ed Ellis performing close-up magic. You can find a complete listing of the contents of each of the 7 DVDs in the DVD.
(4/5 stars rating)