Next Meeting: 15 March 2025 | Theme: Annual General Meeting | Location: NLB Drama Center

Bish Bash Bosh by Magic Dave (Dave Allen) – DVD (DVDDABISHBASHBOSH)

A DVD about birthday party shows. Dave Allen talks about his equipments and what to use in a show. Some very good advice here on hot to use music in shows, actually he gives very good advice on everything to do with birthday party shows.

The performance is taped in front of a live audience consisting of kids. Dave Allen admits he is a big fan of Axtell and he uses many of Axtell’s products. All of his routines are very well received by the kids and they are very doable. The hardest part of his routines is probably the acting part.

All routines have plenty of audience participation. It may not suit everyone but it sure suits Dave Allen due to his personality. This is a bonus segment where he performs his Dave and Dominic duck routine. This is a very funny and enjoyable routine. It is the same routine that he did on Britain’s Got Talent. If you saw the act on youtube, do not let this stop you from purchasing this DVD. This DVD has plenty of good stuffs.

Highly recommended. 4.5/5


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