“Another” is a novel 4way revelation of playing cards.
A deck of cards is shown to contain 52 different playing cards. 2 black prediction cards with cut-outs in them are placed at 2 different locations determined by a spectator in the deck.
The cards next to each of the 2 black cards are taken out as 2 randomly selected cards.
The first black prediction card has a cut out of an 8 and a heart. The card selected by this prediction card is turned over and it is the 8 of hearts. The second black card has a cut out of a 3 and a spade. The card selected by this card is turned over to reveal it is also the 3 of spades.
The performer offers to do it one more time. Once again, the 2 black cards are placed at 2 different locations in the deck. The cards next to each of the 2 cards are taken out as the second set of randomly selected cards.
Everyone is waiting to see how the magician is able to predict these 2 newly selected cards, since the previous 2 cards have been taken out of play.
The performer places one prediction card on top of the other prediction card, and the cut out through these 2 cards now show a 6 and a diamond. One of the selected card is turned over and it is indeed the 6 of diamonds.
By flipping one prediction card over the other, a new cut out is formed and it shows a 7 and a club. The second card is turned over and it is indeed the 7 of clubs.
The performer is successful in predicting 4 randomly selected cards by using only 2 prediction cards with cut outs.
You receive the 2 specially punched-out black colour prediction hole cards and 2 pages of illustrated instructions.
It is easy to do and does not require any sleight-of-hand. Novelty magic such as this one never fails to cause a smile across the faces of your audience. (Rated 4.5/5 stars)