Next Meeting: 15 March 2025 | Theme: Annual General Meeting | Location: NLB Drama Center


10 routines are found in this DVD and they can be performed in most close-up situations.  The DVD starts with the performance of all the effects and then the explanations on the later part of the DVD.

1. “Local’ is not a new effect which has the matchsticks appearing from a seemingly empty matchbox in the spectator’s hand. The matchbox can be examined at the end of the routine. You will need to make a simple gimmick yourself. You can also do the effect in reverse; i.e. is making the matchsticks in a match box vanish. Pretty cool.

2.  “Between the back palms” is a card production that uses a sleight that is bold and rarely used in a close-up situation. This routine is not easy but it is very strong. Experienced card workers will not have any problems performing this routine as the sleights are not new inventions.

3. “4our” is a 4 card production that is quick and visual. The first appearance of the 2 cards uses a new move and the last 2 card’s appearance uses mis-direction. This is very tough to pull off, if you know Lennart Green’s Top Shot, you’ll know what I mean. If you know this, you’d know it looks really nice.

4. “The Coin Mint” A signed coin to impossible location effect.  Each time you do it, it’ll cost you a Listerine strip. The sleight you learn in this routine can be applied to other coin effects. You can even use this sleight in a spellbound routine.

5. “Papermate” A pen routine inspired by Gregory Wilson’s “Recap”. Now this is a very nice routine that is worth exploring. There are no gimmicks involved and it can be performed impromptu. The kicker ending will surprise your spectators.

6. “AKT 1” = Ace King Transposition is a 2 phased 4 card transpositions that happen all at once. No set-up and can be done impromptu. Sleights involved may be tough for some. You can perform this even without patter as this is a very visual change and the spectator will understand what is happening.

7. “The Domino Effect” is a copper/ silver coin type of effects using sugar packets (sugar and substitute sugar) which is also similar to Michael Ammar’s $1 and $5 transposition. It is a very simple effect which is suitable for restaurants. A simple construction of the gimmick is needed. The gimmick can be reuse for future performances.

8. “Cash Back”, Card production that utilized money. This looks rather visual and you have to prepare the gimmick prior to performance.

9.”Arson” A visual card effect that vanishes a lighter and then producing it at the end of the routine. The method is not difficult and the result is actually quite good.

10.”Under and Out” After learning this card vanish; you can apply this to your other card effects. You will have to prepare the gimmick and this will make your vanish of a card very clean.

So, with these 10 effects, you can use it for you close-up work, on the streets, in a restaurant or even in a casual setting with friends. All the routines in this DVD are actually quite good. I have to admit that I don’t like the way some of the routines are presented but you can always change the presentation. Some of the moves can be quite knuckle busting but I like the gimmicks used here as they can be made at home and cost very little. So, in all, I think this DVD is worth taking a look and I’m sure there is something which you can use.

Rating 4/5.


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