Next Meeting: 15 March 2025 | Theme: Annual General Meeting | Location: NLB Drama Center



The Daniel Garcia Lecture Package Limited is a nicely printed book containing 32 glossy pages, and is saddle stitched. Much of the materials can be found in the Daniel Garcia Project DVDs.


The instructions in the booklet are well written and are accompanied by ample step-by-step photographs. You will have no difficulty in understanding how to execute the various moves. In fact, it may be easier to learn from this book than from watching the DVDs. The DVDs show you how the effects look like when performing for a live audience.


The effects are highly visual but require a lot of moves and you have to be concerned with performing angles. However, they not something that you cannot achieve with some practice.


The book starts with an effective card control to the top of the deck (Ego-Slip). In One Point Production, a card magically appears underneath your palm placed flat on the table. A variation of this is White Or Wheat, where a signed card appears between 2 other cards placed on the table well away from the deck of cards which contains the signed selection.


In Math, 2 quarters jump from hand to hand, and they finally meld together into a fifty cent coin. Ego-Change is a nice colour change based on the Cardini Card Change. Nacho Mama’s Triumph is a triumph effect with an unexpected deck colour change climax. Your Personal Safe starts as a standard 4 coins across from your hand onto a spectator’s hand. The final phase is a real shocker when the last coin changes into the spectator’s finger ring!


Next in the book are 3 quick tricks. Clip-Trip is an effect where you bend a straighten-out paper-clip held by the tips of your fingers and thumb by merely concerning on it with your mind. No Smoking is a unusual effect where a burnt match vanishes from your hand and smoke appears from your mouth just as it reappears back attached onto the match-book! Disc-Hover is an impromptu levitation of a borrowed credit card between your 2 outstretched palms.


Stretch is a multi-phase rubber band routine where a borrowed finger ring penetrates on and off a rubber band and jumps from band to band. On The Rocks is an impromptu striking coin through the bottom of a glass tumbler effect.


DG Box Steal is a technique used in secretly stealing a playing card placed inside a card box. This is employed in Time Line V2.0 where a mystery card cased in the card box becomes the very card chosen from the deck later on. The final effect is Butter Bill, where a drinking straw penetrates a bill twice: once vertically through the centre of the folded bill, and the second time horizontally through the fold of the money. The effect is performed impromptu with borrowed straw and bill.


As mentioned, the effects are highly visual and are meant for the more experienced performer. The book is beautifully produced with nice layout, and is a joy to own. (4.5 stars rating)


NOTE: The meeting on 15 March will start at 7.00pm, and it will be at NLB Drama Center Function Room 2.

Please download the minutes of AGM here.