Next Meeting: 15 March 2025 | Theme: Annual General Meeting | Location: NLB Drama Center


A long thin box-like tunnel has a slot running perpendicularly through its middle.

A bill is folded into sixths width-wise, and put through the slot in the middle of the tunnel. In this manner, a coin put through the opening at the top of the tunnel cannot fall right through because of the folded bill.

3 coins are dropped into the tunnel from the top. None of the coins fall through the tunnel because they are retained by the folded bill in the middle.

A magical gesture is made, and one coin falls

through the tunnel onto the table. The remaining 2 coins are poured out of the other end of the tunnel.

The 2 coins are picked up and put back into the tunnel from the top. Another magical gesture is made and one coin falls through. The last coin is poured out of the other end of the tunnel.

Once again, the final coin is dropped into the tunnel from the top. A magical gesture and it too falls through the tunnel.

3 coins, one at a time, penetrate the folded bill! At the end of the peformance, everything can be examined. Although the tunnel is gimmicked, no one can discover the secret even if it is closely examined.

You receive the well-made solid thin tunnel with a slot in the middle. Instructions are in the form of 2 printed sheets of paper. The bill and coins can be borrowed.

The tunnel does all the work for you. Once you get used to handling the tunnel, the illusion of the coins going through the folded bill is quite amazing. You only need to play with the tunnel for a short while and you will get the knack of using it.

The effect can be performed almost surrounded.

(Rated 4/5 stars).